lets drive straight in to this!
There are three systems of money making in World of warcraft, Farming, Professions and Playing the Auction House, it is a good idea to have wide range of professions to use to your advantage, while using farming to get those much needed items that crafters crave for! To play the auctionhouse can be a new challenge all in itself, you need to ask your self "Will this sell" and if so "How much profit can i make from this?", it can be boom.. or bust. Although i feel asthough this method is very unreliable so i wouldent recomment it.
There is no single easy way to pile up your gold, it takes time, patiences and awarenes.
These are the key aspects of compiling your gold!In this guide i will give you an insight on how i make my gold, my many exploites and how my methods could help you!
The proffessions i use are, Mining, Enchanting, Jewerly Crafting, Inscribing, Alchemy, Herbalism, Taloring, Skinning and Leatherworking, I use all these profs to my advantage, and example, While Mining for Saronite any gems i acquire i can mail to my JC. Saronite Bars I mail to my Alcemist to make into titanium bars, While in Dungeons or just generally out and about Killing mobs, any greens that drops, i mail them straight to my Enchanter, any cloth staright to the talioring, its basically like a cycle! Pvp can also rake in some cash, 10k honour = Epic gem which can be cut to sell for a higher price, the Cardinal i.e Red gems sell for the most (120g+ per gem)

Saronite Farming/Titanium farming is the main trend within wotlk, used to make BoE epics, these are always in high demand, as everyone may know, The Sholaraz basin really is the Jewel in the crown for farming Saronite! As seen to the left is the Farming route for saronite.
Skinning/Leatherworking, ive used this for a few days and have made over 3000g just practicing with it! it really is an amazing way to make some quick cash, ive been all over Northrend and have found the best places to get Borean Leather (15g per stack), Nerubian Chitin (40g+ per stack) and Arctic Fur (68g+ per stack). Another Tip, Knothide leather sells for quite a healthy price these days, dont forget to farm it from outland! (30g+ per stack)
Most drop rates for Arctic fur are even for most Northrend mobs, The Rhino's below the Amber Ledge area are a great source for making large pulls and getting a good ammount of arctic fur, a downfall of this is that the mobs that are skinned usually only drop Borean Leather Scraps, an excellent area for farming, if your a tank even better, more mobs pulled = greater chance of getting an Arctic Fur.
Alot of people may argue with this, but ive found the best place to farm for Nerubian Chitin is the around bellow Icemist Village, The undead mobs can be skinned, with a healthy drop rate of Nerubian Chitin, in half an hour i managed to get 15 of them.
Another location that is argued to be a good spot is Outside Kolramas in Zul'Drak, the Skimmers also have a good drop rate of chitin.
Ive Found the Best source of Borean Leather in this location, the Raptors drop a good ammount, usually 2-3 per kill with fast spawn rates you'll have stacks of leather in no time!
Knothide leather is good business, people wanting to boost their Leather working skill will always be after this material, this never fails to make a good ammount of gold, well worth spending the time to farm it. (40g+)
Ive found this Proffesion to be very Profitable and it also saves alot of money on Leg armour enchants,
you must take full advantage of using this prof! BoE leg Enchants are easy to make, and sells for a fair ammount, Nerubian Leg Armor is easy to make and sells for a fair ammount of gold, Other such enchants like Icescale Leg Armour and Frosthide Leg armor sell for around 250g, and lets not forget blue items people will be needing for Northrend, Mail/Leather amor sells quite well.
Farming Borean leather, then creating Heavy borean leather is also another good method, (6 borean leather to make 1 Heavy borean leather), You can also trade in 10 Heavy borean leather for 1 arctic fur outside the Leatherworking trainer in Dalaran. Most of the time these little simple methods are over seen.
Ive made a high ammount of gold over the last few months with Talioring, Bags sell for a small ammount, but if you mass produce you can make a small fortune, Netherweave/Frostweave bags sell constantly!
Netherweave can be farmed, or brought off the Ah athough i wouldent suggest buying stacks of netherweave over the price of 4g99s that is my cut off price! Ive found an excellent Play to farm netherweave, an area called Deaths Door in the Blades Edge Mountain area, 2-3 drop every kill, the spawn rates are fast, alot of greens have drops for me too over the months aswell as the money and the grays dropped you can make nice little fortune for yourself! Another handy thing about Deaths Door is that is it right next to an alliance quest area called Toshley's Station with vendors, repairs and a mail, you wont feels as isolated.
The best location I have found for farming Frostweave Cloth is in Sholazar Basin.
The Ravagers to the East of Freya, East of Rainspeaker Canopy, are great for farming. Not only do these Undead NPCs respawn almost instantly, they also drop a large number of trash drops and occasional greens. For those who have Tailoring and the Northrend Cloth Scavenging passive ability from it, this is a gold mine.
Ive used Herbalism Since ive started playing WoW, i cannot dispute how awesome this prof is! ive made tons of cash, along side this with alchemy you will make a massive fortune if you spend an hour or two farming the right spots, The prices of Nortrend herbs in the past couple of months has boomed! dont quote me on it, but Bloodhood Eu prices of herbs have become high, Lichbloom is selling for 40g+ this is one of many peoples many sources of income, Myself i farm Stormpeaks for Frost lotus, Lichbloom and Icethorn. With Flask of the Frost wyrm selling for 18g, flask of endless rage 20g mass producing of these flasks is one of the greatest ways of making Gold, while farming herbs, Crystillized Life will drop from most herbs, combind these to make the Eternal life which sell for a fair price.
(This is the route I take on a daily basis)
NEW ADDITION!! Blacksmithing: Made myself a nice little fortune with this proff in the last couple of days! combined with mining especially in Northrend, a stack of Cobalt Bars can Make Four Cobalt Triangle Shields, which sell for around 25-30g each! with Cobalt being extremely easy to farm its nice money earner, as-well as Cobalt Tanking/Dps Sets money comes easy. I'l be sure to add more as I go further with Blacksmithing!
MORE WILL BE ADDED LATER! We will see if instance farming really is a good money maker!
nice one rav will try it out :)